Back Svalbard 2017
Svalbard 2017 April
checking out icecondition on the north coast of Spitsbergen


Overgangshytta in bottom of Austfjord



service on a sled



fjordice on Austfjord



Austfjordnes trapping station






a lot of snow this year at Austfjordnes



seaice in Wijdefjord



driving up Sørbreen



Sørbreen seen fram Aasgaardfonna



down Sørbreen






"Wentebu" at Midtbreen



Mountainside of Fenrisulvbreen



Fenrisulvbreen down



Wijdefjord with Andre II Land in background



dinner at Villa Møen



Villa Møen






icetower at Hoggvannet



icetower at Hoggvanne



icetower at Hoggvanne
