Back Svalbard 2020

August 2020
Hunting In Temepel Fjord


Bjonahamn cabin



First sunset after 4 month, Bjonahamn



Evening at the fire, Bjonahamn. Sassen valley in background



North side of Tempel Fjord



Andersen winch & harpun in front of the Haarek boat



The Haarek ready for hunting, Tuna Glacier in back ground



Bearded Seal



The new side port in the Haarek



using the side port to winch the seal inside the Haarek









ca. 300 Kg meat & fat






nice catch!







a lot of foot for man & dogs



slaughtering inside the boat



at your new hall with a big freezer



the 3200 liter freezer



half full before winter

