A Skitrip To The North


Svalbard 1984



The Plan: North Cape on Spitsbergen by ski in summer time




Roland, Hermann and Stefan



Longyearbyen. Taxi to MOB station. The driver was later

"diamantsliper" Morten Flygel



Start walking with supply for two month at MOB station



My backpack



Crossing Sassen Valley



Sassen River



Sassen Valley



Camp in Sassen Valley



Walking up from Freia Hotel, Moskus Valley






Sassen Valley



At the edge of Fimbulisen






Skiing from here






Phillip Glacier in background






Van Porst Glacier



Lomonossov Fonna, 1255



Lomonossov Fonna






Phillip Glacier



Van Porst









We made depots for the return



Van Porst



Phillip Glacier



Lomonossov Fonna






Phillip Glacier



Camp on Lomonossov Fonna












White Out on Lomonossov Fonna






Lomonossov Fonna



Lomonossov Fonna






Lomonossov Fonna



Lomonossov Fonna



Lomonossov Fonna, 1255



Van Porst Glacier with depot



down Tuna Glacier






Tuna Glacier



Moraine at Tuna Glacier



Tempel Fjord with Tuna Glacier






Bjonahamn cabin



Gipshuken cabin












Foot to



Charlett Templet, Tempelfjord. This cabin is removed




Red: the route North, green the way back






